industrial engineering
Industrial engineering is the planning and optimization of service production processes using engineering methods.
It aims at high productivity of the company's management, core and support processes.
Furthermore, it defines and develops target states and standards of the processes.
Here, Industrial Engineering ensures a high level of transparency in order to identify deviations from the standard and to be able to take effective countermeasures.
Process and product planning
- Planning responsibility for building / module groups
- Development of concept proposals for product influencing, production- / manufacturing-compatible product design
- Investment statements on concept proposals
- Determination of operations / work plans and assembly sequences
- Planning of workstations, SET zones, etc.
- Simultaneous Engineering/ Change Management Product
- Preparation of planning scenarios for pre-assembly and operating resources including planning and coordination with the specialist departments
- Economic feasibility studies of change projects
- Master data maintenance
- Assembly assistance system
Time management/MTM analyses
- Work system design, production systems
- Lean management, start-up management, process design
- Moderation and implementation of KVP processes
- MTM / REFA time analyses
- Method development and implementation of production start-ups
- Preparation of process plans, belt sequences and line balancing
- Creation of ProKON-IST / SOLL analyses
- Analysis and systematization of assembly processes
- Identification of potentials to reduce production time
- MTM- practitioners and instructors
Logistics Planning
- Container/load carrier planning
- Planning of logistics and material control concepts
- Planning of material supply (production)
- Route planning
- Planning of repacking stations
- Planning of picking zones
- Planning of supermarkets (in MO)
- Shopping cart planning (content - concept - process flow - specification sheet - implementation - coordination of service providers)
- Inventory Management
- Key figure systems
- Material flow (process analysis and optimization, material flow planning, delivery forms)
- Transport systems and conveyor technology
- Start-up support
- Order picking assistance system